Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Candida - What is it?

Candida albicans commonly and more generally known as yeast is a microorganism that resides most normally in the gut flora of your intestinal track. Nearly everyone has some level of these colonies living in there gut, blood and or mucus. However, over 70% of people, including myself, have the unfortunate overgrowth of Candida causing numerous symptoms. Nearly all of the time people displaying these symptoms have some sort of auto immune deficiency causing there natural healthy flora to lose balance to the C. albicans. This immune deficiency may come in the form of patients with HIV to patients that have had the flu for a month and have a resulting case of fatigue. The problem with C. albicans is that it lives in your intestinal track where all your digestion takes place. The hook like organisms anchor into your intestinal wall like a fish hook causing your Microvilli (finger like filaments that blanket your intestinal wall that and absorb all the nutrients as it digests) to fold down and stop absorbing nutrients. Because of this the first thing you will experience with Candida overgrowth it a decrease in your energy level.  The second thing that makes C. albicans so relentless it that once it get a foot hold its so difficult to eradicate! Heavy antibiotics will work but over half of the time the candida will develop a tolerance to these medications. In addition to not only being ineffective half of the time, these antibiotics also destroy your health flora of bacteria that you need to balance your body  against the yeast. So after you have eliminated your healthy balancing flora along with the Candida go ahead and flip a coin to figure which will come back first… and with an already compromised immune system you toss goes to the Candida.
Luckily, there are ways to get rid of the cause and the symptoms over a few weeks with the right kind of treatment. So lets treat the cause, not the symptom, and together get you yeast free!

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